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Astrology / Horoscopes / Druid Horoscope


    Like the tree, this sign is delicate with expressive features and qualities. It is hard to call it beautiful, but it doesn't remain unnoticed.
    These people are a little bit impressionable and with some complexes. They don't feel all right everywhere. They need vital space and warmth. They wither when they feel the draught. They don't like difficulties and problems. Being impressionable with a heart full of bitterness, they sear. In such conditions, their immune system weakens, and if people around them are not attentive enough, then they suffer a lot.
    These people have strong family feelings. They have a constant need in contacts with relatives and close people, even if the latter can't appreciate this. They need stability in spite of the fact that they are not so constant in many respects.
    They are quite emotional and uncensorious. As a result, this costs them heartsease and life pleasures when they attempt to resist temptations. This sign is not constant (this is especially applicable to its mind), but it tries to carry out daily duties precisely. One can rely on such a person. These people work diligently, though, deep in the soul, they are lazy.
    These people are impulsive and full of kind intentions, but they fight their own weaknesses all their life. Fig is quite realistic, businesslike, and enterprising. These people are a real treasure for their relatives. They bring good "fruits". Plant this tree in your garden and give it good care - you will not regret.
    This sign is good for marriage life. But do not expect much from it. These people are far from being romantic lovers. Plain feelings are highly appreciated - more than "any fantasies". Any tree without any complexes that can understand it will go together with Fig. Red alert: Fig is very sensitive!
    The sign features: impulsiveness, practical mind, observancy, realism, and organizing skills.
    The sign representatives: Beethoven, Stravinsky, B.Brandt, F.Garcia Lorca, and Edith Piaf.

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