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Astrology / Glossary

Astrological Glossary

Sometimes astrological concepts are difficult to understand though we often use it in our everyday speech. Find the meaning of the most obscure astrological terms in our on-line dictionary!
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  • Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Signs belonging to this Element represent a practical nature.

  • Eighth House - Also known as the House of Sex. It describes shared resources, inheritance, alimony, taxes and surgery. It is also the House of regeneration, death and rebirth.

  • Electional Astrology - The branch of Astrology which deals with selecting the best time to initiate any given activity or project.

  • Elements - A four-fold division of the Zodiac which is comprised of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Signs of the same Element share similar characteristics. Also known as Triplicity.

  • Eleventh House - Also known as the House of Friends. It describes friendships and acquaintances, as well as hopes and dreams. It rules groups, humanitarianism and philanthropic attitudes.

  • Ephemeris - An almanac which lists the Zodiacal positions of the Planets and other astronomical data for a given time period. Plural is ephemerides.

  • Equinox - Means a time of equal day and night. This occurs twice a year and marks the beginning of Spring and Autumn.

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