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    This is a strong and beautiful tree. People of this sign have a pleasant appearance. They are people of slender make, rather elegant with smooth movement. They like themselves. However, it is not quite easy to live with such a person, as he has a live and demanding character. People of this sign want everyone to care about them. Their best dream is that everyone lives, thinks, and does what they want. On the other hand, this sign is inclined to independent life.
    People of this sign laugh at life difficulties, which is seen as irresponsibility and lack of will. However, this is not necessarily true. Ash certainly understands what it wants. Also, it knows what it doesn't want. The sign is rather ambitious in everything that concerns its own success and well-being. Trying to achieve happiness, these people might get so vigorous that they will crush everything that prevents them from getting what they want.
    The sign is rather egoistic, but it is not a miser. It is quite generous and can share everything it has. Being quite capricious by nature, this sign reveals totally different features in love. Thus, it happens to be circumspect, constant, and provident. Ash is rather successful in marriage making, as it is rather good at pro-and-coning and knows what to choose. Sometimes, these people's love match happens to be a marriage of convenience, too. They very rarely make mistakes and do their best to organize their family life. They usually succeed.
    The sign's mind is based on intuition. It is original and full of imagination. Like Willow, Mountain Ash, and Nut, people of the Ash sign are men of insight. They often like to act as a prophet. When their predictions come true, they cover themselves with glory. Ash often plays with its destiny. But this sign is reliable; so do not be afraid to accept its support.
    The sign features: intelligence, intuition, and imagination.
    The sign representatives: Mark Twain, Charles de Gaulle, and John F. Kennedy.

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