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    This sign is big, harmonious, and beautiful. It is rather attractive for people around it, but it has something constraining. Nonetheless, people of this sign don't care about their appearance and tend to simplicity in what they wear. They often can't throw away their old favorite sweater.
    The Elm is not pretentious and does not like to make its life complicated. This sign is all about calmness and steadiness. Its most significant lack is sluggishness. Also, the sign tends to moralization. Despite their apparent appearance, these people have poor health.
    They are forthright, open, and generous. The Elm believes in human kindness. The deed that they support and defend is always noble, and they believe that sooner or later it will receive public recognition. Failures do influence them a lot. People of this sign can make a lot for the benefit of their close people. They are quite responsible. Their feelings are quite passionate and might be even ardent. If they make the right choice, then they manage to keep love in their house through the Diamond wedding.
    This sign likes to supervise and doesn't like to obey. These people are very skilful in human resource management. This sign's requirements are as big as love that it gives to people around it. Be patient with this sign, as it deserves such an attitude.
    The sign can be very faithful. It has a sensible mind and skilful hands. Its lively wit is concrete and practical. Its sense of humor often helps it to get through disappointments. Their life will be pleasant and without any shocks, i.e. they will live the life they wish.
    Elm features: observance, organizing skills, and realism.
    Elm Sign representatives: Moliere, Stendhal, and Edgar Poe.

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