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Sagittarius parent - Aries child

Two fire signs, this is a pair of adventurous explorers and pioneers. They will become great friends and there will be so many exciting things to do together. The Sagittarius parent can be like a child and enjoy the many adventures that the Aries child will bring on. But be careful, you can be accident prone - because you often tend not to be careful. Jump in head first, that's the motto, think later. As a parent, you will have to be more responsible than you are used to. This child can be very demanding and this could lead to some problems - you like your freedom and space. Altogether it's a good combination and you have many interests in common.

Sagittarius parent - Taurus child

The adventure-loving Sagittarius parent will try to introduce new ideas and things to his security-loving child, and they will feel disappointed when this little Taurean holds on to his own scraggy-eyed teddy bear and shows no interest in the top-of-the-range talking, dancing, skipping one that you have bought him! Taurean children not only hate change, but they are slow to accept anything different into their lives. Each new thing or event has to be ventured into at a leisurely pace. Rush them and they will only slow down further. Frustrating, yes, certainly to a restless Sagittarius parent who hates the routine life that his child adheres to so well. They have a lot to learn from each other - if they can accept that both view life through totally different tinted glass. The Taurean child can add stability into an otherwise restless parent, and in return can learn to see life more as an adventure.

Sagittarius parent - Gemini child

These two are very compatible, being opposite signs in the Zodiac. Both will love learning and the Gemini child will thoroughly enjoy exciting stories that he is told and the great adventure holidays that he is brought on. The Gemini child will be so curious, asking questions about every topic, and will learn a great deal from his parent who seems to know everything. This house will be full of energy and drive. There will be books everywhere on every topic with lots of adventure holidays planned.

Sagittarius parent - Cancer child

These two are very different. The Sagittarius parent loves adventure and seeks out the thrills of life, while their child values emotional security, which Sagittarius will have to learn to appreciate and try to provide. You feel that little Cancer should try and live life more and have more adventures, but he will shy away from anything new or wild. You will admire this child for his emotional intensity and ability to commit to things, even if it is not your way at all. You both will have a lot to learn from each other, and as long as you both talk to each other and are accepting, this can be a stable and fun combination.

Sagittarius parent - Leo child

This fire sign combination can be a warm and exciting one. Fire energy is full of warmth and extrovert energy. Leo rules the sun and this child will be the sunshine in any parent's life. He loves to take centre stage and be admired. Both are full of charm and charisma. This combination will attract a lot of people to your home, and you will love it. This child can be quite bossy if he is allowed to get away with things and will need discipline. He will admire you and be proud of you because you are exciting and stimulating. Leo cares more about what is going on around him and you are more worldly orientated - you will learn a lot from each other, seeing how fire energy can be used in different ways. This will be a warm and energetic combination with great teamwork and spirit.

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