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Scorpio parent - Aries child

This combination could prove very difficult for both parent and child. What a Scorpion parent will have in common with their Aries child is the planet Mars. This bouncy and energetic child will want to be involved in everything. He will live for the moment and enjoy every minute of it. He's not very emotional, and you are - intensely so. You can feel too much (Scorpio parent) what your Aries child does not appear to feel at all. He will be so involved in doing, and it will be very hard for you to keep up with him. Be careful that your deep heavy emotions do not stifle your little action man.

Scorpio parent - Taurus child

The Scorpion and the Bull together - what a combination. Both are fixed signs. The Scorpion parent likes a controlled environment and has set ways of doing things. The Scorpion will not be pleased when his equally self-willed Taurus child is having none of it and digs his feet in and refuses to do things any other way but his own. The Taurus child moves at his own pace (which can be very slow) and plods along doing his thing. These signs are opposite to each other in the Zodiac, and do not have a lot in common. The home with the Scorpio parent will feel very safe for the Taurus child, because most of all because this child values a safe, unchanging home life. Both of you will be very sensitive to each other, and this especially is an area where a bond between parent and child develops.

Scorpio parent - Gemini child

This light lively inquisitive child at first glance appears to have nothing at all in common with his intense and deeply emotional parent. Indeed, it takes a deep search to find elements of comparison. Both have a strong curiosity. The Scorpio's love of research and deep information will stimulate the active mind of this Gemini child. While the parent searches for the deep meanings of the fables and fairytale stories, which they will be reading very regularly to their child, little Gemini will be satisfied with the information itself and the basic meaning of the story. As long as you read him another and another to satisfy his endless curiosity! A close bond is formed and a lifelong passion for finding out things is shared.

Scorpio parent - Cancer child

How similar, the Scorpion and the Crab - both have hard shells hiding their real selves from the world. Both can strike out their pincers if you get too close. This parent/child combination is intense and emotional. The Scorpio parent will understand well when this Cancerian child is slow to move out into the world, and needs to test the water first before any move is made. The well-controlled and proven environment, which Scorpio will have laid out for little Cancer, will be adhered to well by the Cancerian - he is not one to take risks anyway and always likes to stick to the safe and trusted path. As he grows older, a bond of teamwork can be achieved if both are driving towards the same goals.

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