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Virgo parent - Aries child

Virgo parents like their homes to be neat and tidy. Then Aries comes along and wreaks havoc, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. The little ram is so full of energy and has absolutely no patience. When he wants something, he wants it now and will kick and scream until he gets it. This sort of demanding behaviour can have a somewhat detrimental effect on the delicate nervous system of the Virgo. Virgos can be quite articulate and are well known for their sharp minds. It is with their verbal ability that they will best outwit their energetic offspring. The young Aries will admire and respect the Virgo ability to use words as a powerful weapon.

Virgo parent - Taurus child

Two of the hardest workers of the Zodiac are here. The Virgo parent will set an industrious precedent, which the young Taurus will wish to emulate. Careful, methodical and constant action is what Virgo favours - being of a similar makeup, the young bull will both respect and admire his busy parent. Both being earth signs, there should be a great deal of domestic harmony. Virgos, being naturally arty-crafty themselves, will encourage their offspring's creative talents, providing all the opportunities necessary for them to develop their artistic skills.

Virgo parent - Gemini child

There will be plenty of mental activity between these two, and the Virgo parent will encourage the young Gemini's love of learning. There will be great emphasis placed on education in this household, with books, encyclopaedias and computers linked up the internet. The elder Virgo will encourage the junior Gemini's critical abilities. Virgo will teach through example the benefits of being consistent with your ideas and mental patterns. There will be much discussion and debate, also plenty of social activity in this house - which should keep these two Mercury ruled signs happy and content.

Virgo parent - Cancer child

Being naturally domesticated, the elder Virgo will create a sanctuary of peace and tranquillity where the young Cancer can retreat to. It's very important for the healthy development of the little crab that such an environment is in place, so he won't feel the need to build a hard shell of protection around himself. The result of a Virgo upbringing is usually a Cancerian with a healthy awareness of his emotional self, resulting in a positive relationship between parent and child.

Virgo parent - Leo child

Virgos enjoy domestic harmony, peace and tranquillity. Little Leo on the other hand, likes to make his presence felt and is fond of dramatic outbursts to ensure that plenty of attention is directed his way. This combination might have the effect of generating a certain amount tension about the house, depending on how sensitive the Virgo nervous system is. If Virgo's nerves are in a healthy state, then responses might be more favourable, and in fact the elder Virgo will probably enjoy and encourage their offspring's dramatic flair. The little Leo might be more outgoing than his parent, and the Virgo will admire the youngster's social abilities and positive, confident manner.

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