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Gemini parent - Aries child

An argumentative combination, with plenty of energy and activity. These two might not always see eye to eye but they enjoy the friction that debate creates. The little Aries competitive streak will probably become very evident in school if her attention span stays long enough in the one place. She might even end up moving schools frequently as a channel for that restless energy. There'll be lots of plans and schemes, jokes and card games, and despite the argumentative facade, they'll enjoy each other's company.

Gemini parent - Taurus child

The flirty, flighty Gemini hectic social schedule might be somewhat unsettling for the peace-loving little Taurus. The baby bull just wants comfort and security and not too many interruptions, but the Gemini house is filled with callers and weekend guests. However, beneath his stubborn exterior though, this Taurus really does enjoy the company of others and takes great pleasure in the fine food and extravagant gifts that accompany the social whirl. It's good for the young Taurus to learn to mingle, a gift that Gemini perfects. And their offspring can provide the unsettled adult with a solid ground to come home to after all the guests have gone.

Gemini parent - Gemini child

When two members of the most curious signs of the Zodiac get together, nobody's business is safe. They have to know everything. This house will be full of books and computer programs, Internet linkups and phone lines, an information bureau of sorts. This parent and child will fuel each other's love of communication, and there will be a great shared interest in education and learning. The adult Gemini will look forward to hearing about the day's events in school every evening. There'll never be a dull moment with this pair. When all their mutual friends have gone home and they finally get a chance to sit down and have a chat, strong bonds and a healthy open relationship will be formed.

Gemini parent - Cancer child

Little Cancer craves security whereas a Gemini thrives in an environment of constant change, so there may be a bit of a clash between this parent and child. It won't be an open dispute though - little Cancer doesn't play that way. She is quite non-confrontational and would sooner retreat into her shell than meet in a head-on collision. Things are never that clear for her anyway. The Gemini parent might try to coax the little Cancer out of a mood with small talk and chitchat, but most likely to no avail. The Cancerian will not re-emerge until the emotional coast is clear, and even then she may find it difficult to explain what has just occurred, much to the exasperation of the rational Gemini. The parent will have to be extremely gentle in her dealings with this child.

Gemini parent - Leo child

The Gemini parent will have the opportunity to revisit her childhood with this Leo offspring. A mutual appreciation for light-hearted laughter will be shared and there will be plenty of comedy, jokes and fun. Both being outgoing and extrovert signs, they love to be entertained, and the Gemini parent will prove to be a willing and encouraging audience for her dramatic young child. Just in case one pair of clapping hands weren't enough, the Gemini vast circle of friends will provide a varied and positive response to the little Leo's cartoon capers ensuring a fun-filled and cheerful household.

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