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Taurus parent - Aries child

The bull can get very set in his ways - "This is the way it is and this is the way it stays." Little Aries will not accept this as an answer. Headstrong to the last, the little ram will follow his own path - he knows what she has to do better than anyone else. The Taurus parent must accept this trait and learn to guide rather than lead. Little Aries respects guidance but rejects dominance, and he will be more intrigued by someone who is quietly pursuing their own path. The Taurus parent will have to teach by example so the little Aries can learn about the finer things in life.

Taurus parent - Taurus child

Two headstrong bulls in one household! Watch out. And if there is a conflict of interest, steer clear. A mutual appreciation for the finer things of life will be shared. Good food, music and general comforts ensure a congenial domestic environment, and when things are going smoothly, they are flowing. The Taurus child's love of luxury will be enhanced and encouraged. Guard against stagnation and becoming too set in your ways, although his rebellious adolescent phase will ensure things are healthily shaken up.

Taurus parent - Gemini child

The Gemini child might feel slightly smothered by a Taurus parent. Gemini is an active sign, mentally and physically, whereas Taureans move gently, slowly and gracefully. The little Gemini will certainly rock the big Taurus boat - but this is probably a good thing as Taureans can become too set in their ways. Continual questioning by the Gemini might force the old bull to take a closer look at themself and even make some changes. The Taurus parent will give firm grounding to the young Gemini, providing guidance and direction for his vast store of energy.

Taurus parent - Cancer child

These two operate on the same frequency so domestic bliss should ensue. Cancerians need security and stability and the Taurus parent can provide that in abundance. All should be harmonious in this household, so much so that ventures into the outside world will be treated with caution and reticence. Gourmet dinners will be on the menu everyday and the Cancerian child will enjoy growing up in this richly nutritious environment. The Taurus parent will bask in the peace and harmony created by this loving relationship of two twin souls.

Taurus parent - Leo child

Two proud and upstanding individuals here, although this Leo will want to play a greater role in public life than his Taurean parent. Luckily the little Leo will have enough confidence on his own to make the necessary steps out into the world. Although the Taurus parent might not necessarily stand beside him, they will support the lion all the way with a strong and solid background to fall back on should he ever need it. This parent and child will share a love of grandeur and the Taurus parent will help the little Leo in all his efforts to shine.

Taurus parent - Virgo child

Both are home-lovers with a passion for nature and its beauty. The Virgo child can be somewhat shy and anxious. Taureans have a quiet confidence and they can instil that sense of inner peace and contentment into their offspring, giving them courage to face the world with their gifts and talents. Industrious little Virgoans will work as hard as their parents to ensure a safe and secure future with the least amount of disturbance and distress - where the simple pleasures and fruits of life can be enjoyed.

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