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Astrology / Horoscope

Year horoscope for Cancer.

Don't make too many New Year's resolutions -- January finds you less than focused. The longer your list, the less likely you'll make a dent in it. Put some of this stuff on hold for later. After January 21st, avoid guilt about your love of variety; there's nothing wrong with having more than one flavor. Valentine's Day could be interesting. February 20th unlocks the part of you that really wants to come out. After the first week in March, lost initiative is recovered and your enthusiasm is back.

Spring takes you by surprise; you like your inward state, and you're not ready to surrender it. April 19th or 20th will surely drag you out of this late hibernation. Even as you launch into a five-month period of great accomplishments, you already have something to show for it. Bring out that list of resolutions on May 5th and start crossing them off. Maybe you're not yet completely in your element, but through late June you do just fine in whatever conditions dominate from moment to moment.

Life restarts when summer rolls in on June 22nd. You're happy and so's everyone else by the 29th. Time flies without any complaints to hold it back. Late in July you're feeling satisfied -- and strong enough to take on other people's loads. You can feel your community expanding. August is full of the joy -- and the frustration -- of deeper involvement and the shifts in your life this brings. Starting on the 23rd, you find transformed vision and clear communication. Celebrate: It doesn't get much better than this.

Autumn brings changes -- from September 23rd through at least October 14th, you feel imposed upon by the limits you thought you'd transcended. A flood of water energy on the 24th saves you from drying up and blowing away. Nostalgia for the old days is healthy and fun until November 11th: After that, find some new energy. Then maybe your dreams are coming true, or maybe this is a taste of what could be. Thanksgiving shows you what needs change, and December shows you where to start.


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