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Astrology / Horoscope

Year horoscope for Aries.

The New Year finds you in a thoughtful mood -- after January 3rd, the holiday spirit is a thing of the past, and by the 6th you're thinking seriously about the future. You're not quite ready to do something about it, but by the 21st you gain confidence and vision. You have until February 20th to sell others on your big ideas, and their enthusiasm makes you more sure of yourself. After March 7, you feel a heavy weight slipping off your shoulders. Then get ready for an early start on a splendid spring.

March 21st launches a busy, brilliant season. Be ready to validate your previous accomplishments, define endings and beginnings and free yourself from any binding chains. Around April 19th and 20th, you incorporate key ideas about sharing and mortality -- in other words, it's not always about you. The first week of May grounds you in the good will of a great community. By mid-month, you're trying many things without having to commit to any of them. Do your best to put your own interests aside after June 10th; something bigger is going on here.

Summer brings some change-ups. Passion gets reckless in June -- have fun, but use your head! Lost people find themselves after July 23rd, and then things get interesting. You take care of yourself, and you try to bring others with you; but what if they'd rather not join in? The second half of August is a struggle between getting what you need and getting the message. At least you get it right by the beginning of September, just in time to deal with the important stuff.

Between September 23rd and October 24th, you have to eat your impulsive words -- or else carefully spin them into more acceptable ones. As autumn progresses, you learn to love your dark side; this year's Halloween costume could be intense. November's big lesson is about taking responsibility and having fun with it. From Thanksgiving through the December holidays, you're full of purpose and a sheer delight. But by early winter you're ready to hibernate. Arrange some downtime for the end of the year -- a vacation's in order.


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