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Astrology / Glossary

Astrological Glossary

Sometimes astrological concepts are difficult to understand though we often use it in our everyday speech. Find the meaning of the most obscure astrological terms in our on-line dictionary!
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  • Saturn - Represents discipline, responsibility, ambition, restriction, limitation and delays. It also rules older people, tradition, authority, structure, patience and wisdom through perseverance and age. It teaches us our lessons in life.

  • Second House - Also known as the House of Possessions. It describes your material assets, monetary income and the potential ways it may be earned. It also indicates what you value throughout life.

  • Secondary Progressions - See "Progressions".

  • Semi-Sextile - An arc of 30 degrees. This aspect creates unease; it is a minor aspect.

  • Semi-Square - An arc of 45 degrees, or "half a square." A minor aspect indicating stress and tension, requiring action to release the tension.

  • Sesquiquadrate - An arc of 135 degrees, a "square-and-a-half". A minor aspect indicating tension and challenge.

  • Seventh House - Also known as the House of Partnership. It represents marriage, joint partnerships, ventures and business partnerships. It also rules divorce, legalities, open confrontations, contracts, lawsuits and negotiations.

  • Sextile - An arc of 60 degrees; this is a favorable aspect. The planets involved are usually in compatible Elements. A sextile allows the influences of the planets to work in harmony; it brings forth opportunity.

  • Sign - See "Sun Sign".

  • Sixth House - Also known as the House of Health. It is about your job, routine, daily responsibilities, diet, employees, pets and physical fitness. It also addresses a fulfillment of duty and the conscious mind.

  • Solar Eclipse - The point at which the Moon, Sun and Earth are aligned and the Moon blocks the Sun, making the Sun seem either totally or partially invisible. Occurs during a New Moon.

  • Solstice - When the Sun reaches its maximum declination. This occurs twice a year, at the beginning of Summer and Winter.

  • Square - An arc of 90 degrees which is traditionally regarded as unfavorable. It represents the struggle of two forces at cross purposes. A square brings stress and denotes obstacles which can inspire growth through concentrated effort.

  • Star Sign: - See "Sun Sign".

  • Stellium - A meeting of three or more planets or points, usually occurring within one Sign or House. It is a focal point of energy.

  • Sun - Represents the ego, self, willpower, your uniqueness and your individuality. It is your identity. It also represents the Father and male influences in one's life.

  • Sun Sign - What people think of as their "Sign" or "Star Sign". It is the position of the Sun in the Zodiac at the moment of one's birth. The Sign placement of the Sun shows an individual's basic character. It is the core of one's potential and uniqueness as an individual.

  • Synastry - Comparing natal charts to find strengths and weaknesses in the area of compatibility.

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