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Astrology / Glossary

Astrological Glossary

Sometimes astrological concepts are difficult to understand though we often use it in our everyday speech. Find the meaning of the most obscure astrological terms in our on-line dictionary!
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  • M.C. - Medium Coeli. One of the four major angles of a birth chart, this one is at the top of the chart wheel. It is the start of the Tenth House, and it addresses public life and reputation.

  • Malefic - The belief among certain astrologers that some planets, like Mars and Uranus, are destructive, negative influences, while others like Jupiter and Venus are positive and beneficial. See "Benefic".

  • Mars - Represents action, passion, drive and determination. It deals with one's sexuality, force, daring, courage, competitive nature, aggression and assertion.

  • Masculine Signs - The Fire and Air Signs, comprised of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. It represents assertive and self-assured energy.

  • Mercury - Represents communication, intellect, consciousness, transportation, dexterity and the mind.

  • Modes - See "Qualities".

  • Moon - Represents the Mother and the women in one's life, nurturing, home, emotions, instinct and memory. It also represents one's emotional response to situations and experiences.

  • Mundane Astrology - The branch of Astrology which deals with places as opposed to people; world events and universal trends are the focal point.

  • Mutable Signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This Quality represents a flexible nature.

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