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Astrology / Glossary

Astrological Glossary

Sometimes astrological concepts are difficult to understand though we often use it in our everyday speech. Find the meaning of the most obscure astrological terms in our on-line dictionary!
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  • Cardinal Signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This Quality represents initiative.

  • Celestial body - A physical form which exists in space; such as a planet.

  • Ceres: - An asteroid named for the Roman Goddess of Agriculture. Represents women's cycles, parenting and nutrition.

  • Composite chart - Two individual charts which are merged to form one. It shows the relationship between the individuals whose charts are combined.

  • Configuration - An aspect involving three or more planets.

  • Conjunction - Two or more planets sitting next to each other within an acceptable orb, generally considered within 8 degrees for major aspects. A conjunction gives great strength to the energies of the interacting planets.

  • Constellation - A group of visible stars in the same section of the sky.

  • Cusp - The midway point between two Signs of the Zodiac; also used to refer to the start of a House within the chart wheel.

  • Cycle - A planet's Zodiacal period; the time it takes a planet or point to make one complete revolution in the heavens.

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